Hope requires grassroots contributions from generous donors like you.
Plan your Legacy.
A gift in a will or legacy gift is one of the most significant contributions you can make.
Legacy gifts will be invested in our Endowment Fund so that your donation has a lasting impact on the lives of LGBT+ Refugees and Newcomers.
All it takes is a simple clause in your will to leave a gift of hope. It’s easy to add Rainbow Foundation of Hope to an existing will. Simply speak to your lawyer about preparing a codicil –a document that allows you to make simple amendments without having to rewrite your will.
Tax receipts for the full amount of your donation may offset capital gains or other taxes payable and lessen the financial burden to your loved ones.
Sample wording for your will:
“I DIRECT my trustee(s) to pay the sum of _________ DOLLARS ($__________ ) to RAINBOW FOUNDATION OF HOPE, currently located at 815 Hornby St. #203, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2E6, for its endowment fund. The receipt of an appropriate officer of Rainbow Foundation of Hope shall be a sufficient discharge of my Trustee(s).”
To make arrangements for your bequest please contact our Treasurer – treasurer@strutvancouver.ca.