April has been a landmark month for Foundation of Hope. On April 2, 2015 Canada Revenue Agency officially granted FOH its status as a registered charity. This means all donations made in Canada within six months prior to this designation, and from this point onward, are eligible for a tax credit.
Foundation of Hope anticipates this historic milestone will bolster its fundraising efforts to date leading up to STRUT, the first major event of 2015. So, either get those heels on and start practicing your walk or get to the event’s website and sponsor any one of the teams of courageous participants.
The generosity of those who have made financial contributions to date has also afforded FOH to begin awarding grants to eligible organizations. On April 6, 2015, FOH released the first chapter of its grant funding process, which is dedicated to Canadian civil society organizations providing community services to newly settled LGBT+ immigrants (newcomers). It is FOH’s mission to provide financial support that permits these organizations, many of which are volunteer-based, to continue to do the incredible work that first inspired the creation of FOH from a small group of dedicated volunteers.
So if you are a donor please consider giving to FOH. Your contribution means the world to us. If you are a community service provider and eligible for grant funding, check out our grant application today.
In the words of Margaret Mead,
“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Words to live by.
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